Nurulbalqis 'Olive' Izzuddin ; 16 years old.

“Time is an illusion, lunchtime, doubly so."

heyho! my doodle gallery is right here!

, Tuesday @ 11:38 PM } 0 comment (s)

assalamualaikum semua :]
maaf sebab saya delete page doodle, well, sebab dia automatik terdelete lepas saya tukar template Blogskin ni. so, i've made a very special galley. bukan gallery, sebab ayat tu common sangat. so i chose galley which means kapal layar. LOL, sounds weird, uh? take a look at this;

click untuk tumbesaran Nestle
Klik untuk ke Puffnuts Galley :]
tak banyak beza pun dengan blog ni, well, i had my reason. oh, i'm also take my time to edit a blog of my friend. i don't know if she likes it or not.

see? ada Block B!
oh ya, hari ni memang relax gila. masa Math, kitorang study kat computer lab, yang ada air-cond. homaigodd, memang nikmat gila. then masa BM, tak buat apa sangat, kitorang just tanda kertas budak form 3, di samping tu kitorang yang jawab sendiri soalan tu. so, in the same time, it's sharping our brain, (uh? bahasa apa chek guna ni?). so, end of story. esok hari Nuzul Quran, so ingat nak berbahasa Arab dengan bestie. huahua ^___^

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