Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend
Stephanie Golden Sismile
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Age: Unknown [Well, she wrote in her info, she's about 10000 years old .]
hey, Stephanie :] you're the coolest friend i ever had abroad . Our interests are very similar . we're into the same thing;
K-POP ! you also like to say funny things. which to me, you are so cool, you are so fun . thanks for being my internet friend . ily :]
Chris Jung (Jung Ee Hyun)
Somewhere in US
15 years old :]
yo, Chris ! thank you for having me as your friend . besides, you're my first buddy from abroad . u're funny, LMFAO . i love ur innocent smile . thanks again :]
Labels: challenge
Assalamualaikum guys c:
» Nurulbalqis binti Khairul Izzuddin.
» Most people call me Bee, Qiss and Olive.
» Born on 29th of May 1997 in Muar, Johor.
» KUSTechs' 2014 senior, SPM candidate to-be.
» Best chums: Fie, Shera, Are, Tasha and Zirah, also Nabilah, my wonderful soulmate, Fyza and Aina.
» Tin Tap, BornToBeat, Bangtan, TVXQ, SHINee, Paramore, MCR, Jesse McCartney, The Wanted ♡
» My interests are on art, music and R&B. //and of course - food
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Day 8 - Your Favorite Internet Friend
, Saturday @ 9:25 PM ♥
Stephanie Golden Sismile
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Age: Unknown [Well, she wrote in her info, she's about 10000 years old .]
hey, Stephanie :] you're the coolest friend i ever had abroad . Our interests are very similar . we're into the same thing;
K-POP ! you also like to say funny things. which to me, you are so cool, you are so fun . thanks for being my internet friend . ily :]
Chris Jung (Jung Ee Hyun)
Somewhere in US
15 years old :]
yo, Chris ! thank you for having me as your friend . besides, you're my first buddy from abroad . u're funny, LMFAO . i love ur innocent smile . thanks again :]
Labels: challenge